The Correlation Between Overjet and Sagittal Skeletal Relationships

  • Hina Siddiqui Senior Registrar, Department of Orthodontics, Sindh Institute of Oral Health Sciences, Jinnah Sindh Medical University, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Syed Sheeraz Hussain Professor and Head, Department of Orthodontics, Karachi Medical & Dental College, Karachi, Pakistan
Keywords: ANB Angle, Antero-Posterior Discrepancy, Overjet, Sagittal Plane Analysis, Wits Appraisal


Objectives: To determine the correlation between overjet and sagittal skeletal relationship.

Materials and Methods: This study investigated patients at Orthodontics Department of Karachi Medical and Dental College. This cross-sectional study lasted for six months from August 2019 to Feburary 2020, after due approval of the synopsis. After detailed history and clinical examination patients were included in the research. Measurements were made on pre-treatment dental models for malocclusion class and overjet, and lateral cephalometric x-rays for ANB angle and Wits analysis. All measurements were taken manually by the researcher
and documented on a Preformed Proforma.

Results: When the class of malocclusion was not considered, overjet had high correlation with ANB angle (r=0.789) and Wits appraisal (0.825) which was statistically significant (p-value < 0.01).

Conclusion: The overjet can be used to predict sagittal malocclusion. When the malocclusion class was not considered, overjet had high correlation with the ANB angle and Wits appraisal and when the class of malocclusion was considered, Class III showed strong correlation between overjet and ANB angle.
